Reportedly, Men’s Health Week was designated by the US Congress back in 1994 to occur during the week prior to Father’s Day.
(Graphic courtesy of duchesssa via rgbstock.com)
It has grown to be a global international effort since 2002 recognized and reportedly now promoted in Africa, Asia, Australia, Austria, Canada, Central America, Denmark, UK (England, Scotland &Wales), Netherlands, South America, and the United States. International Men’s Health Week as part of International Men’s Health Month provides a rich opportunity for many terrific health promotion activities to be scheduled and carried out world-wide.
When it comes to general guidance for protecting a man’s health status, there are a variety of resources one can consider. It only takes a moment to review some of them. Check them out because health status should matter to every man since it affects not only his own well-being, but also has an impact on every family member and friend in any man’s life who are counting on him to be there for them.
Worldwide, many organizations and initiatives have developed wellness materials aimed at protecting health by trying to prevent development and progression of chronic and other diseases.
An entire coalition of organizations now supports Men’s Health including the Men’s Health Network, European Men’s Health Forum, Men’s Health Forum England and Wales, Men’s Health Forum Scotland, and Men’s Health Information and Resource Center Australia. Across the globe, efforts such as the one for exploring the role of “environMENts” on men’s health are uplifting because they urge making positive connections in one’s own life and community life that create win-win situations.
Health promotion and disease prevention are inextricably linked.
A recent 4 part blog series on this website ties right into this initiative (“Beyond Watchful Waiting: Food, Nutrition and Prostate Cancer” from April and May 2012). Other RDs have echoed some of the same pointers raised in those blogs including dietetic colleague, Sharon Palmer, RD, in her article entitled “Can Tomatoes Slice Prostate Cancer Risk?” in the June 2012 issue of Today’s Dietitian, and Jim White, RD, speaking on behalf of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for a 8JUNE2012 press release “Men, Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late.”
In fact, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has not only developed a press release, but they have also put together a page of resources that can be quickly accessed and some of those pointers concerning Men’s Health in general should be relevant to the majority of men.
You can also listen to Jim White, RD and other Registered Dietitians at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website’s new “EatRight Radio” page for some additional nutrition tips.
Be sure to take a look at the infographic developed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics concerning Men’s Health that illustrates various body parts (brain, heart & blood, lungs, kidneys, pancreas) and waist measurement/body mass index (BMI). That infographic notes how those body parts are impacted by the food a man eats, which not only fuels his body & lifestyle, but which also provides valuable nutrients known to help protect his overall health.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spokesperson Jim White, RD, was quoted in that above mentioned press release noting: “Even small steps towards a healthier lifestyle can really add up over time, giving you a much better chance of staying strong and in the game as you age.”
Check tomorrow’s blog post for a continuation of this two-part series and some sage advice from a different male RD who explains a bit about how to help men help themselves to potentially enjoy better health by focusing in on taste, satisfaction and performance. When it comes to health care decision making overall, we’ll also mention the new this year (April 2012) “Choosing Wisely®” initiative, which is an effort you’ll want to continue to follow as its story unfolds, impacting health care decision making not just for men, but for everyone.