Are you old enough to remember Chia Pets being sold in drug stores for Christmas presents? It turns out that the Chia Seeds themselves may pack a lot more nutritional punch than many people thought… Chia Seeds Photo featuring white, black, or white and black chia seeds By Cyanocorax in 2006
Category: Nutrition
“Think Red” Healthy Red Bean Dip
Continuing on with our “Think Red” series to encourage wiser food choices that can contribute to heart health, today’s blog post is not just about beans and heart health. We’d like to also mention the larger family that beans belong to as well. Various beans can actually be quite heart healthy, depending upon exactly how they are prepared and what other ingredients they are combined with. Most people are familiar with red kidney beans, although there are many other beans, which belong to a larger family called “pulses” and include a wide range of naturally nutritious offerings. Image courtesy of
What to Eat in 2012?
Many experts have weighed in on this subject. Here is just some of the advice and a few of the various compiled suggestions that have been given by others for foods to consider incorporating into your foodstyle in 2012. © photo:, Nikolay Dimitrov
Do YOU Want to be the “Lady in Red”? (Go Red for Women) Take the First Step & Get Pinned!
February is heart month in more ways than one. Some of us might say “Hallmark Day” is coming, referring to Feb 14th and Valentine’s Day. But others will note that the American Heart Association (AHA) has long promoted women’s awareness of heart disease in the month of February. AHA has tied it’s efforts into a visible symbol of wearing red, including another variation of a red dress which is trademarked by the US Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) and thus we’re not allowed to use that specific image here. The image shown was obtained from the site.
Read MoreDo YOU Want to be the “Lady in Red”? (Go Red for Women) Take the First Step & Get Pinned!
Healthy Eating Need Not Be Just A Fairy Tale
Today’s blog title is adapted from a comment in the Albert Heijn Employee Magazine from 2009. Each year, that grocery store chain in The Netherlands organizes “Gezonde Weken” or “Health Weeks.” In 2009, the focus was on helping children to learn more about healthy eating in a fun way, so the chain handed out fairy tale place-mats for children. The fairy tale theme included “Wise Knight’s Facts” as well as “Princesses Tips” and was centered around the “Clover Land” theme, referring to the “Clover” logo based Point-of-Purchase Program designed to raise customer awareness of healthier food selection options in their stores. That grocery
Holiday Baking – What’s Fat Got To Do With It?
To create different cookie varieties, one “tweaks” a basic formula, resulting in a plethora of possibilities. We mentioned about that formula or ratios concept in a 28Nov2011 post. Today’s blog post mentions one of those other ingredients commonly found in cookies…fat.
Holiday Baking – Keep Some Flavor, Skip Some Fat
Want to lower the fat content of your holiday baked goods, but not quite sure how to accomplish that? Read today’s blog for some helpful suggestions that may help you keep some flavor, but skip some fat.
Fat Substitutions For Holiday Baking (pdf “Free Gift” download)
At our Facebook listing, there’s now a “Free Gift” option you can click on. It is located in the left hand column. Look for the grey box with a white “star” in it that says “Free Gift” and you’ll find it is waiting for you. The “Free Gift” is available to anyone who has chosen to press the “LIKE” button for the Sensory Nutrition page on Facebook.
Read MoreFat Substitutions For Holiday Baking (pdf “Free Gift” download)
2012 “Action Steps for Wellness” Calendar
Wellness Focus Calendar/Activity Planners 2012 Versions (also last thoughts on 2011 versions) Just in case you might be interested, there is a nice 2012 American Institute for Preventive Wellness “Action Steps for Wellness” focus Calendar available as a .pdf that you can download as of today’s blog posting date. If you happen to be involved in any health and wellness planning activities for 2012, then here you’ll find a Wellness Activity Planner for 2012. BTW, the 2011 “Action Steps for Wellness” Calendar as of this posting date was also still available and many of those action steps are good ones